... So have you ever had one of those days? You know when you've already got a plan for the day the night before and then you oversleep and then you talk to the Hubs and find out that he had a complete different plan and then remember that you also have to teach your son an English lesson that you forgot to plan and then call for both a doctor's appointment and a hair appointment and don't get either one and then realize it's almost 2pm and you not only haven't gotten anything on your list done, but you've also not really gotten ANYTHING done all day?
Yeah, it's one of THOSE days for me. Ugh, I kinda just want to curl up and take a nap. And to be honest, that's what I would normally do. Well, maybe not a nap, but I'd do something else completely and think, oh, well, I'll take care of all that tomorrow.
But you see, I'm trying to do some things different. Not resolutions or anything like that. I'm just trying to live the life I think God wants me to live. It's hard. So, in that vein, I'm going to try to plan out my week (not day) ahead of time. It's already half through Monday, so I'm behind, but that's okay. As my dear friend, Lysa TerKeurst, said, it's all about 'Imperfect Progress.'
This is from Ms. TerKeurst's Unglued event in Bowling Green, KY. Okay, so she's not actually a 'dear' friend, but I did LOVE the book and the event. I highly recommend it.