I devoured Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker. I also read one of the Sherlock Holmes stories, A Scandal in Bohemia. But I did not read any of The Making of an Ordinary Saint (Fasting). So, 2-ish out of 3 ain't bad? (I don't know if I can count just reading one Sherlock Holmes story).
I thoroughly enjoyed Sherlock, but that isn't surprising. I love the tv shows/movies and detective novels in general. I really wanted to start at the beginning, but I just couldn't wait to read about Ms. Adler. I also read a fair amount of the history of publishing the Holmes stories (because I'm a nerd like that).
As for Mrs. Hatmakers' book. Yes! That's about all I can say. I would love to delve into the nuances and all, but just read it. It's all about Kingdom living. And that is awesome. It's a bit fluffy and 'you go, girl,' but not so much so that it is hard to read. I don't agree with all of her theology and doctrine (do I agree with ALL of anyone's?), but she gets it. It's all about God and all about love and the messages that she writes are ones that need to be heard, read, and taught by individuals and in churches all around. Seriously, you need to read it.
Sorry for the short updates and basic lack of activity. I've been super busy filling a knitting order and just general life "stuff." I am happy to report that I have read my missing discipline for February - fasting - as well as March's discipline - study - already. And I've begun reading G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy. I may not get to my fiction book this month because I have several gardening books that I want to look at and try to plan and see if this is something that might happen this year (and I will SO blog about that!)
And hopefully, I will get back in the swing of things and start blogging again (even though, I currently have no readers). As someone once told me, it's good for the soul. :)
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